St.-Amandsberg, a suburb of
Ghent (Belgium), a Turkish man,
Osman Cilla,
killed his wife and her pregnant sister, the former because he thought she had been untrue, the latter because she got pregnant before her marriage. On Wednesday, November 10, he tied both women to stools in his own home and had his wife’s confession that another man had visited her" by Thursday night, after which he shot first her through the head and then his 19-year old sister Hazer. After that, he went to the house of his Belgian ex-wife Wendy B. in
Nieuwerkerken near the city of
Aalst, whom he also killed. Fate would have it that her mother was visiting, so he finished her off too. The killing spree in the two localities left also two men severely wounded, whose identity has not yet been revealed. When Osman Cilla left the
Ghent Court of Justice on Friday evening, November 12, he declared unmoved before the TV cameras that he shot four people "to preserve the honour of his family" and "for his children".
Belgian Senator of Moroccan origin
Mimount Bousakla had to go undercover and ask for 24h/24h police protection
after having received death threats because she had been critical of, a.o., the widespread custom of forced marriage among the Muslim population and a lack of Muslim criticism of Van Gogh’s killing in Holland. In the meantime
the author of the threats has been arrested. Belgian MSM was eager to print the first name of the suspect in full,
Philippe D.C., a name which suggests European/French descent. Furthermore, in the first days after the news scoop they tried to spin the story in such a way as to make it appear Mrs. Bousakla was the target of a racist bigot. However, Philippe D.C. appeared to be the son of an Algerian and his brother Ahmed was a member of the Antwerp-based Arab European League, which on its site claims
that US troops indiscreminately shot devout worshippers in a Baghdad mosque.
Belgian Justice Minister
Laurette Onkelinckx, former Justice Minister
Philippe Moureaux and Brussels politician of Moroccan origin
Mohammed Chahid received
death threats and have now increased police protection.
An orthodox Jew, living in Antwerp,
Moshe Yitzhak Naeh, was
shot in the head near a Muslim neighbourhood and died of his injuries fourteen hours later.
Belgian/Flemish Socialist Party Chairman
Steve Stevaert one month ago visited Cuba,
lauded the regime and laid a wreath at a monument for Che Guevara.
The above photo shows Belgian socialist icon Steve Stevaert, affectionately known among the Belgian populace as "Steve Gratis", meaning "Steve for free", given his tendency to let large layers of the population use the public transport system for nothing. Evil tongues spread the rumour though that among his staff he is rather referred to by the nasty moniker
"Stalin Steve".
Somehow he also managed to ship 25 buses from Flemish Passenger Transport Company
"De Lijn" to Cuba. Nobody knows who paid for ‘em. I guess ultimately it will have to be me with my Belgian tax dinars, erm, euros.

Above, bus paid for by MFBB in Belgian street; below, same bus magically making appearance in Cuban street.
Finally the
City of Ghent too forbade the use of burqas. They first started to appear a couple of months ago in Molenbeek (Brussels) and Maaseik. Note that they are not being worn by poor illiterate Afghan refugees but by Moroccan immigrants.
Geert Wilders, popular Dutch rightwing politician had to go undercover after having received death threats from radical Muslim elements for his tough stance on immigration. Said gentleman was also sported on the Dutch Indymedia site some month ago with the following nice poster:
The fitting caption reads: No vote for this racist. Six bullets will finish him off.
From his secret hideout, Mr. Wilders
gave an interview to Associated Press. Some excerpts:
One of the most popular politicians in the Netherlands said Friday the country's democracy is under threat and called for a five-year halt to non-Western immigration in the wake of the killing of a Dutch filmmaker by a suspected Muslim radical.
"We are a Dutch democratic society. We have our own norms and values," right-wing lawmaker Geert Wilders told The Associated Press in an interview. "If you chose radical Islam you can leave, and if you don't leave voluntarily then we will send you away. This is the only message possible."
In his first interview with the foreign media since the slaying of filmmaker Theo van Gogh on Nov. 2, Wilders said his own life has been repeatedly threatened. He said he has begun living under state protection and has even had to stay away from his own home.
...."The Netherlands has been too tolerant to intolerant people for too long," he said. "We should not import a retarded political Islamic society to our country. There is nothing to be ashamed of to say this. It's not Islam. I speak out against the facts."
...."If in a mosque there is recruitment for jihad, it's not a house of prayer, it's a house of war. If it's not a house of prayer, it should be closed down," he said.
Finally, the Left will be elated to hear that the Baathist propaganda machine has found refuge in Europe,
namely in France and Belgium.
With the defeat of the Saddam Hussein regime on April 9, 2003, the Ba'th ruling party was outlawed and a committee for the de-Ba'thification of Iraq was established. [1] However, the Ba'th's propaganda machine appears to have found a new abode in Paris, France, whence threats to the U.S. are issued regularly in three languages - English, French, and Spanish. Not surprisingly, the Ba'thist propagandists use the word "resistance" (in French, "la resistance") to underscore the association with the struggle against the Nazi occupation of France during WWII.
The resurrection of the Ba'th Party on French soil was further strengthened by France's proposal that representatives of "la resistance" should participate in any future conference that will be convened to discuss the future of Iraq. This position was clearly stated by Michel Barnier, the French Foreign Minister, in an interview with the French TV station " France Inter." In the interview, Mr. Barnier called for a political process in Iraq that would include "a number of groups and people who have today opted for the path of resistance through the use of weapons." [2]
Locus of Information
The Council's material is published by the Comités Irak de Base under the editorial direction of Luc Michel, whose address is listed in 128/01 rue de Montingy-B/6000 Charleroi. E-Mail: In other newsletters, Luc Michel is listed at 39 Maagdenstraat – B/1000 Brussels (Belgium).
In a later publication, the site of the Iraq Committees is listed as: (fr. stands for France). In one of the documents the following information is provided:
For transnational coordination of the Iraqi Committees (Brussels)
Tel: International +32 2 218 73 09
Fax: International +32 2 218 73 59
Francophone Coordination (Paris)
Tel/Fax: 01 43 83 75 32 International +33 1 43 83 75 32 (France)
A newsletter identifies Luc Michel as "a Belgian publisher, well-known for the defense of the Arab cause, and editor of the newsletter 'Al-Ba'th Al-Iraqi.'"
A legal team under Me. (mademoiselle or Miss) Dominique Jourdain, "was also identified at" (a French Email address). Free subscription to the newsletter "Al-Ba'th Al-Iraqi" (Iraqi Resurrection) is offered at
Always nice to know what some of my compatriots fill their time with.
MFBB, in full compliance with his miserly nature, illegally stole info for this post from a.o. the Belgian idiotarian sites
Dog of Flanders and
Luc Van Braekel. The latter has just recently been visiting your country and has posted some nice pics and stories about the
Homo Americanus. It's just that I wonder how the hell he got in if I have tremendous troubles to simply ship a box of chocolate
"Coeurs de Bruxelles" to ME and CO. Even weirder, how the f*ck did he get out again?????